Columns are missing. And paradigms are falling down. But I’ll bet you don’t even care. You’re probably just gonna go on about your day and enjoy your life as though none of it’s happening. Right? And I bet you couldn’t … Read the rest
Category Archives: creation science
Evolution equals hopelessness. Survival of the fittest equals hopelessness. The big bang beginning equals hopelessness. And I want no part OF and no part IN hopelessness. Especially when there’s evidence on demand all around you, me, and the planet. Small … Read the rest
As I reached the end of 5th grade, and was about to leave elementary school to attend junior high, I was told I’d be put into “accelerated classes.” My teacher sent me home with a note to my parents that … Read the rest
Paramecia don’t become parakeets. And an amoeba will never be an ambulance driver. Not in a million, trillion years. Because changes like that don’t happen. Not by accident. Not on purpose. And certainly not accidentally on purpose. Accidentally on purpose … Read the rest
What if you reached your prime, let’s say around 33, and someone told you that you look old? It wouldn’t exactly make you feel great. Even if you’re totally confident in who you are, and in your appearance, you don’t … Read the rest
I’ve talked about Nikola Tesla. And his life story interests me for maybe a couple of reasons. One is the fact that he spent a couple of research years right here in Colorado Springs, my current home town. And the … Read the rest
Adrenal glands. Oh yeah, now we’re talking about some pretty exciting stuff. And I bet when you got up this morning the first thought you had, after your coffee kicked in, was “Where can I find me some stimulatin’ adrenal … Read the rest
“Blinded by the light. Revved up like a deuce, you know a runner in the night.” I remember listening to Manfred Mann’s Earth Band sing that song way back in the 1970’s. And I didn’t learn, till later, it was … Read the rest
If you’ve been around more than a couple of decades, you’ve probably seen it. The classic scene in a Western movie where One-eyed Jack, outside a saloon, yells to someone inside. “Hey Bart! I’m callin’ you out! You yellow-bellied-two-faced-lily-livered-hook-nosed-varmint. And … Read the rest
I’m sure you’ve noticed, if you’ve lived more than a couple of decades, how we continue to suffer through a climate crisis. Every year it’s the same thing. You can’t depend on seasons because they consistently (oops, should I say … Read the rest
The age of the Earth increases all the time. And you’re probably thinking, “Duh. Doesn’t the age of everything, Tony?” But I’m not talking about how Earth is another year older every year. No, I’m talking about how some so-called … Read the rest
Dr. Rockrazer, an archaeologist from the twentieth century was excited. And, for him, that was completely out of character. Because most of his contemporaries and fellow workers in the dirt found him to be quite dry, if you’ll pardon the … Read the rest