In 2011 I started producing the songs for my second collection of original lullabies for kids. (psst…adults love ’em, too) Many people, who bought the first collection, Lullabye Bye, asked me to write some more with a country and western … Read the rest
Category Archives: Christian books for kids
It started like this. A made up god, named Woden created the earth and sky from the dead body of a giant named Ymir. Then, he also created the first man and woman from an ash tree and an alder. And … Read the rest
You don’t have to look very long to find mean people. In fact, just say something, on a social media channel, like “There’s only way to live forever,” and watch the meanness flood the threads. But mean people don’t phase … Read the rest
What do these next sentences have in common? 1) Henry was a hippo, and I don’t know if you know this, but hippos are HUGE. 2) Tiny, smooth ripples at the edge of a large, starlit lake; slender fingers of tall … Read the rest
Were is past tense. It’s a seemingly innocent, little verb. But it can contain implications SO intense that eternity is required in order to even begin to understand how intense. As an example, I’m gonna share some words written by … Read the rest
Unless you’ve got your hands over your eyes and ears you know there’s a lotta trouble in this world. It’s worse than I’ve ever seen it. But there’s been massive trouble on this planet my whole life. And it was … Read the rest
One of the members said their group name described “people with vague or half-formed intimations and ideas.” And he said it was for “those who dabble in ink” as they talk about their works in progress. Members to this dynamic … Read the rest
What has the potential for too much air noise along with serious temperature and humidity problems? You guessed it! Tiny zones. And who hasn’t awaken from a nightmare filled with those? Right? Tiny zones are like pushing 10 pounds of … Read the rest
With all the randomness in the universe, and our cute, little solar system, it’s a wonder that we can predict the moon phases with such accuracy. But we’re so good at it (and by “we” I mean earthlings) that we … Read the rest
When I was a kid, there was a show on TV called Hee Haw. And every weekend, through the summer, I remember the family gathered around the TV set to watch all that “cornpone” humor. It was hosted by Roy … Read the rest
I just read a short article about a Milky Way black hole problem. And you’d better brace yourself. Because this is a serious problem. Here’s a snippet from that article: “A black hole with millions of times more mass than … Read the rest
I hope you haven’t fallen into the SNAP trap. Because it’s obviously difficult to impossible to escape. And just imagine the horror you’d face without the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Brought to you by your most benevolent and trustworthy government. … Read the rest