What if you were the first person on Earth that God ever created? First thing is, you’d be a man. Because God created a man, first. But then, what if He brought you a lot of animals and birds and … Read the rest
Category Archives: Christian Articles
Oh brother. I found an article on the latest trends in books for kids. And if it’s accurate, and from what I’ve seen it is, Houston, we have a problem (and every other city, town, and village). Don’t take my … Read the rest
He showed up with a servitude heart. And that was no small detail. Because he was actually a king. No, that’s not quite accurate. He was THE king. Of the whole universe, in fact. But He showed up here in … Read the rest
Too many people thumb their nose at God and say (actually say out loud or say metaphorically) “You are cruel. And I hate you.” I know it’s harsh. But that’s what they say. In one way or another. And that’s … Read the rest
Truth sets you free. It just does. It can also get you in a world of hurt. And even tossed into prison. Yes, even in this day and age. And even right here in the good ol’ U S of … Read the rest
We live in a world gone mad. Mad, I tell you! A world where people will say, with a straight face (inverted pun intended) that there are more than only two genders. And some will go so far as to … Read the rest
Once upon a time, way back in the dark ages, when men and women only knew how to grow food and build their own houses, they used to believe men were men and women were women. Of course, they suffered … Read the rest
Your life is the only one you’re gonna get. And I know that you know it’s not about the skin you’re in. You know it’s the spirit and soul of you. So, I’m preaching to the choir. But if you’ve … Read the rest
Pete Rose died recently. I’m sure you know he was a famous baseball player who committed the cardinal sin of betting on baseball even as he managed the Cincinnati Reds. And if you know that, maybe you also know that … Read the rest
Sunday. A day of peace and quiet. Yeah, maybe that’s true for you. But the world is filled with horrible, terrible things that humans are doing to other humans even as you read this. So, still ready to enjoy some … Read the rest
You’re getting a treat. I’m gonna share The Ten Commandments 2.0 for Liberals, Re-publicans, and Legalists with you. And these aren’t written in stone (that I know of), so get a grain of salt handy. These were shared many moons … Read the rest
A long time ago isn’t worthy to be compared to a long time to come. Unless your future depends on you. Ok. I should probably explain that. Because, on the surface, it might sound like philosophical silliness. And I certainly … Read the rest