Most of us humans go on our merry way, every day. And most of us never give a second thought to what happens next. But I don’t mean in the next minute or hour. And not even the next day, … Read the rest
Category Archives: choose life
I saw a headline that I had to check out. It said: A prominent doctor asks Democrats: “If abortion is healthcare, my question is: what disease are you treating?” And I say Kudos to the good doctor for the “what … Read the rest
Information inside your cells determined whether you’d have brown or blue or green eyes. And it determined whether you’d have black or brown or blonde hair. AND whether you’d be a boy or a girl (Those are the only choices, … Read the rest
This Sunday is known all around the world as “Easter Sunday” or “Resurrection Sunday.” And today is known as “Good Friday” to a whole lot of people. But those names don’t mean much to most people. And that’s especially sad … Read the rest
If you’ve ever driven through Wichita, Kansas, you might have noticed there are some flat parts. In fact, I don’t know how many times I’ve heard people diss Kansas with comments like, “It’s so flat.” But I just smile to … Read the rest
Climate changes. It’s always done that. And it always will. Well, until that final climate climax when the whole Earth is consumed in a ball of fire. But not to worry. That probably won’t happen for at least another 1007 … Read the rest
They build them tall. Because they don’t want you to see what’s going on behind there. And they don’t want anyone who cares about what’s going behind there to be able to make eye contact or interfere. And there are … Read the rest
I guess it’s not for everyone. In fact, amazingly enough, most people don’t want it and don’t even wanna talk about it. But the promise of living forever sounds mighty appealing to me. I can barely imagine not having that … Read the rest
The second best gift God created inside me is music. It’s been a constant companion. Even through the years when I had no human constant companion. It’s been a reminder that I’m “wonderfully made.” Music brings me internal and inexplicable … Read the rest
OK, brace yourself. It’s gonna get serious mighty quick here. Starting with this question. How can you reconcile a loving God with all the pain in the world? People who want nothing to do with God ask questions like that … Read the rest
I’ve never enjoyed writing pro life songs. And I wish none existed. OK, I said it. And I’m not taking it back. But I’ll explain why I’m so anti pro life songs. Because I’d much rather write songs about all … Read the rest
Here’s the cold, hard truth. You have no choice. You MUST believe in the God described in the Bible. No other option is available, viable, or reliable. So, give up. And give in. Resistance is futile. Oh wait. That’s The … Read the rest