What if you were the first person on Earth that God ever created? First thing is, you’d be a man. Because God created a man, first. But then, what if He brought you a lot of animals and birds and … Read the rest
Category Archives: choose life
Imagine yourself walking up to two big doors one cold morning in January. The door on the left is pure craftsmanship. It’s a rich, cobalt blue with pure silver handles and hinges. There’s a leaded crystal, mirrored window just high … Read the rest
That wall is a terrible place. And it gets almost NO attention. Oh sure, there are some who talk about it. But they’re usually called haters. And do-gooders. And technical stuff like that. But the media barely give it any … Read the rest
OK, a few years ago I shared a perspective on American independence that I connected with the political environment at the time. In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re in the throes of another political storm. So, I figured this would … Read the rest
Yeah, it’s true. Real scientists actually do still exist. But there are so many others I describe as “so-called scientists” that you won’t typically find the real ones on TV or radio. Thank goodness we have the internet for the … Read the rest
Wild animals and other creatures breathe. But the breath of the wild things isn’t the same as the breath that goes in and out of you and me. And by “breath of the wild things” I don’t mean plain ol’ … Read the rest
It’s not just weird. It’s a shameful commentary on the education system that people don’t understand there shouldn’t be a need for an “abortion ban.” Because it should be crystal clear that murder is wrong. Always has been. Always will … Read the rest
I remember watching certain kinds of sci-fi movies, way back in decades past, that showed unbelievable scenarios for the future. But here we are, IN that future, and some of those things actually came true. One thing, in particular, is … Read the rest
Elgielene and I buy frozen blueberries. And we don’t thaw them out. Just thought I’d share that with you. Ha! No, I brought it up for a reason. And not because she says the frozen blueberries are like tiny, round … Read the rest
When it comes to truth, most politicians would rather not. I hope that’s not true, when it comes to YOU. And I hope you don’t leave yourself in a compromised position when it comes to life and truth. Because compromise … Read the rest
From the moment you were conceived you took on the human form. Not that body you’re walking around in now. The body that has endured the harsh rays of sun, drops of rain, sheets of ice, and blasts of wind. … Read the rest
When you take God out of the equation, the question of “right and wrong” is a moot point. It isn’t objective morality at that point. It’s opinion. And guess what? If your opinion differs from mine, all you have to … Read the rest