You’ve heard somebody say it. Or maybe you’ve said it. Or something like it. Something like this, “Well, back in the Bible days _______” Fill in the blank. Sound familiar? Don’t feel bad. Because just about everybody’s said something like … Read the rest
Category Archives: Bible study
Ever notice how easy it is to fool kids? Yeah, as far as they’re concerned, you truly CAN grab a coin from behind their ears. Because their little minds haven’t matured enough to figure things out. So, even Uncle Bill … Read the rest
You probably remember at least one movie like this. A couple of guys constantly fight each other. Each wants to be the alpha male. And they can’t stop. Almost every scene they’re in together is either an actual physical fight … Read the rest
“To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and, by opposing, end them? Yeah, ol’ … Read the rest
49 years ago, today (August 28) there was a hit song on the radio about the joy of school being out for the summer. And I remember listening to it that summer. It definitely struck a chord with a lot … Read the rest
There’s a scene, in “Stir Crazy,” a movie from 1980 with Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor, where Gene’s character says, “We bad. Yeah we bad.” Back in 1980 I thought the movie was funny. Today, I’d probably see it’s not … Read the rest
Sure, it sounds harsh to say out loud. But God is not all about forgiveness. So, if you’re a Christian who says that, stop. Because you give unbelievers a false sense of security. And you parrot the hypocritical words of … Read the rest
Happiness and trust go hand in hand. And if you haven’t found that to be true, then I wonder where you put your trust. Or I wonder if you’re truly happy. Because I know where the perfect happiness and trust … Read the rest
Whether you’re happy or not, have you spent any time, lately, making melody in your heart? And have you sung with grace in your heart? Not just to hear your voice. But because you love your Creator. You don’t have … Read the rest
Yes, God does have a plan. A MasterPlan. But He most definitely does not have a plan for your day. As I’ve said many times…He’s far too brilliant a designer than to create a bunch of humans who can’t do … Read the rest
Once again I read a post, by a well-known social media person, who blamed God for bad stuff. And once again, it’s another person who thinks “God is in control” of even something like back problems. This person, like far … Read the rest
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to be wicked? And how difficult it is to be moral and righteous? And you’ve probably felt anything BUT overflowing joy when it comes to current events. Right? Yeah, it’s just so … Read the rest