Shut your mouth and tolerate If you wanna make sure more bad things happen in the world, shut your mouth. And put down your pen and keep your hands off the keyboard. Just keep your narrow-minded, hard-hearted, and “religious” opinions … Read the rest
Category Archives: Bible study
Sharing a few therapy notes today, and… They’re not what you might imagine when you first read that headline. I wrote down some therapy notes back in 1989, and they became one of my songs no one would like but … Read the rest
God will call you through His grace. Will you take the call? Just about everybody I know has a smartphone. Or two or three. We have a couple of them in our house. And they’re awesome tools. You can use … Read the rest
The life which I now live is better than the one I lived before Think about this for a bit…no one is the same person from birth to death. A tiny baby is the most innocent of all God’s creations. … Read the rest
If your theory of how life began is only filling in the gaps with guesses, you need a new theory. The first thing I’d like to say is how much I wish those who oppose the notion of a Creator … Read the rest
Down and out. You’ll find a lot of self-help articles on how to deal with feeling that way. But I’d like to suggest that your “self” isn’t the best place to look for help. In fact, I’d like to suggest … Read the rest
Most people on the planet…yes most…don’t believe in “a creator God”…much less “THE Creator God”. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard the same old cliché: “I just don’t see any evidence of a Creator”. The evidence is all … Read the rest
It’s good to learn and discover new things your whole life. It’s necessary. And you’d be a pretty boring person, if you tried to go all the way through life with only the knowledge you picked up in grade school. … Read the rest
Do you wonder why God kept the best secret ever a secret for so long? Since His secret was so full of good news”why did He wait so long to share it with us? Well, you might read Bible stories … Read the rest
When you make a promise, do you keep it? Do you think people always keep their promises? It’s sad, but most people don’t keep all their promises. But guess who does? That’s right! God. When God makes a promise to … Read the rest
Maybe your mom or dad has told you to drink the rest of your milk. And when you asked why, they said it’s good for your bones. Or maybe you take vitamins because they’re supposed to help, too. But did … Read the rest
Here’s the simple secret of how to have joy in the morning. First, you get out of bed on the right side. Then, you go right to the kitchen, grab a blue bowl (not red, yellow, white, or green), fill … Read the rest