When it’s time for bed, there’s nothing more effective to get little kids to sleep than bedtime stories and lullaby songs. Unless, of course, your little kids are intergalactic aliens with no respect for authority. Then, all bets are off. … Read the rest
Category Archives: lullaby songs
I don’t have a clue how many pony breeds are out there. Sure, I could look that up in the search engines. But I’m not interested in any of them that don’t start with the letter P. Sounds tetched in … Read the rest
I’ve always loved the old westerns. The movies where the good guys won. And the bad guys lost. Those movies where cowboys, villains, sheriffs on the hunt for desperados, and even settlers from back East had to make camp for … Read the rest
When I was a kid, back in the days of yore, I remember slow, slow, Slo-poke summer days. But I also remember days that flew by like missiles headed for the center of the Earth. And I remember how I … Read the rest
Roy Rogers and the Sons of the Pioneers. Yeah, I can almost hear ’em singin’ Tumblin’ Tumbleweeds just by mentioning their names. And I get a visual, in my head, of the ranch hands ’round the campfire as they sang, … Read the rest
“The outpost of the new west.” That’s the slogan on the website for The Silver Horse. And it’s a nice store, with some cool stuff, nestled among the other shops on the main drag in downtown Golden, Colorado. Elgielene and … Read the rest
Drifting sands are rhythm in my hands This morning, like too many mornings this year, I woke up before getting enough sleep. And I’m dealing with some issues that restful, recuperative sleep would help. So, of course, I decided to … Read the rest
What Makes These Celtic Clouds So Special?
Since blue is my favorite color, it comes as no surprise that I’d choose it to paint the celtic clouds in a lullaby. Oops…I just gave away part of the secret of what makes these clouds so special. One day, … Read the rest
Do you remember that old rhyming prayer that starts out “now I lay me down to sleep…I pray the Lord my soul to keep”? It’s part of what inspired one of my lullaby songs. When I started to write this … Read the rest
Don’t confuse this silver horse with “Silver”, Roy Rogers’ famous horse… In the last few months of 2012 I wrote a collection of western themed lullaby songs. I called this collection “Bedtime Buckaroos”. There are 9 songs on the CD, … Read the rest
The Silver Horse again
My goal is to have 9 or 10 songs for the “Bedtime Buckaroos” lullaby songs collection. Currently there are seven completed songs you can hear on my lullaby songs page. Just click on the buckaroos music player and listen for free. This … Read the rest
In Your Dreams
You’ve probably heard someone say “in your dreams” when they think someone else has exaggerated something. Well, when I started writing the first song in my jazzy collection of lullaby songs “Lullabye Bye”, I wasn’t thinking of that expression at … Read the rest