What if you were the first person on Earth that God ever created? First thing is, you’d be a man. Because God created a man, first. But then, what if He brought you a lot of animals and birds and … Read the rest
Category Archives: Author
There I was, a nine year old boy in the attic of a very old country house at the end of a dusty Kansas road. Well, it wasn’t actually the end of the road if you had the right kind … Read the rest
Where I live it can get pretty windy. In fact, the current Funderburk home town is the fifth windiest city in America. We have an average wind speed of 11.5 mph. And the strongest recorded wind speed is over 101 … Read the rest
Way back in the 20th century, in a little Kansas town, of barely 1500 people, T-bud enjoyed summertime. In fact, he didn’t just enjoy it, he could barely wait for it every year. Yeah, you’d have a hard time finding … Read the rest
“They” say if you’re gonna write Bible stories for kids, then those stories should be adapted to their ability to understand. I agree. To a degree. Because I also believe Bible stories for kids can entertain with facts. But what … Read the rest
Theo loved drawing and coloring from the moment he could hold a crayon. And his bedroom walls were papered with creations straight out of his wild imagination. Just about every other day he’d ask his mom or dad to get … Read the rest
If you’ve never met the Icle family, you’e certainly missed out on a special treat. First, there’s Grandpa Icle. But most people know him as Pops. Then there’s Uncle Bice Icle. And cousin Trice Icle. Then, there’s King Lear Icle. … Read the rest
OK, you’ll enjoy this story much more if you use your best Irish or Scottish accent as you read. Even if you read it to yourself and you don’t read it out loud. You’re already doin’ it. Aren’t ya? Yeah, … Read the rest
There’s just something about starlit lakes. Have you ever been on a clean, placid lake surrounded by the sky? I have. And I can tell you it’s heavenly. In fact, it can almost feel like Heaven dips down and wraps … Read the rest
When I was a kid, I’d almost always be the first one to get up. And I’d sneak into the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of cereal. Not every day was a cereal day. Because moms knew growing kids … Read the rest
For a long time I sang for my supper. And breakfast, lunch, and snacks. And I sang for my monthly bills, my gasoline consumption, and even my cool clothes. When you can pay your way as a musician, do you … Read the rest
There are better times ahead. No doubt (or two ways) about it. I guarantee it. But there IS a catch. You knew there would be a catch. Right? The better times ahead aren’t for everybody. Nope. There will be miserable … Read the rest