Even if you’re not familiar with the world of copywriting, you probably read some every day. Because copywriting is the act of using words to sell. That’s the simple definition. And a guy I’ve been following for over 30 years, … Read the rest
Category Archives: Christian Articles
It’s true. We Christians have a different perspective on life. So, we think different thoughts from the rest of the world. And that’s because we know ideas can have eternal consequences. So, we should think a different way. With a … Read the rest
“God is in control.” And “God’s got this.” Or how about, “Just gotta remember it’s all part of God’s plan, so wait for His perfect timing.” If you’ve been saying any of those things…or anything that sounds like them, then … Read the rest
Are you still eating Christmas leftovers? If they have anything to do with baked goodies, then, by all means, carry on. Nothing wrong with helping that Christmas spirit linger a little longer. But one thing you definitely should avoid. And … Read the rest
Well, it’s the big day. Christmas is here. And even in a challenging, lousy year like 2020 has been, it’s still awesome. But wouldn’t it be great if people could realize how much more it means? Because, if they could, … Read the rest
There’s a reason food tastes better when it’s seasoned with salt. Because salt is tasty. And it’s the most versatile seasoning on the planet. And it doesn’t hurt that it’s essential to your health. Wow, is anybody else getting a … Read the rest
Do you ever wish you were one of those prophets and kings? Oh yeah, sit back and close your eyes. And imagine you’re one of the prophets and kings from days of old. Ah, the good life. People jump at … Read the rest
And the hate goes on Sing it to the tune of the old Sonny and Cher song. And The Hate Goes On. “Drums keep poundin’ rhythm to the brain. La de da de de, la de da de da.” And … Read the rest
Today is the end of April 2020 Yeah, now that the end of April is here, a third of this year is in the can. And a bunch of this year has ended up in the trash can. At least … Read the rest
“There is no God” Says the fool. Only a fool could or would dare to make the claim that there is no God. Because it’s a self-refuting assertion. In order to say it so absolutely, you’d have to know everything … Read the rest
What advantage do fear and worry give you? Spoiler. It’s a trick question. Because typical fear and worry, the kind you see all around you right now, give you absolutely no advantage. In business, creative endeavors, or any other part … Read the rest
Get your free money fast And get it “while the gittin’s good.” Because if you’ve got any sense left in your brain, heart, and soul, you know it can’t last. Right? Or can it? Maybe I’m just an aging, yet … Read the rest