Pssst…hey you. Yeah, you. C’mere. I got some valuable information…a code…and I need someone I can trust with it just in case I’m not around to get it into the right hands. Yeah, some earth-shattering things might happen real soon, … Read the rest
Category Archives: Christian Articles
Happy is he and that includes me
“Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help…whose hope is in the Lord his God”. If you passed by me on the street, you might not be able to tell if I was happy, sad, gloomy, … Read the rest
Forever Is A Very Long Time
It seems like everyone ponders forever in some form or another. It isn’t a Christian “thing”. And it isn’t some other religion’s exclusive territory…or merely a metaphysical concept. Regardless of whether you believe in a forever life in paradise with … Read the rest
Things To Do Right Now
Do you have things to do right now? Do they include caring for someone else? Will those things make a difference in someone’s life? A positive difference? An eternal difference? Here’s a shocker. You’re not gonna win the big prize … Read the rest
Responsibility Americans used to take responsibility for the things they did…good or bad. And some still do. But I don’t see it so much in the so-called “leadership” of our government. Since our last “government shutdown” back in October of … Read the rest
Stick Of Dynamite
Every time you know you’re right…your opinion’s like a stick of dynamite… …and everybody’s got one. Opinion that is. Have you ever noticed how a lot of people are loud and staunch supporters of free speech until someone tells them … Read the rest
Do you feel the weight of this present world pressing down hard on your shoulders? Do you find yourself at the end of your rope…and it appears to be frayed and withering? And do you wish beyond wishing you could … Read the rest
The Old One Two
I saw the date for today 1/2/2014, and an old saying came to mind. “Give ’em the old one two.” It was often used in reference to boxing or other forms of fighting. It meant to let your opponent have … Read the rest
I’m sure no one else out there has taken the time to stop and say “Happy New Year 2014” so I’ll go the extra mile and be the first. Of course I’m kidding. But I didn’t want to be remiss … Read the rest
What If I AM Right
I know most people disagree with my worldview. They believe it’s wrong of me to ever say their lifestyle choice could lead them to hell. In other words, they think it’s wrong of me to tell them they’re wrong. Do … Read the rest