When you do a good deed, or charitable deeds, do you want someone to reward you openly? If you answered yes to that question, who would you prefer to reward you…and what would you like as your reward? If you’re … Read the rest
Category Archives: Christian Articles
Do the words, armor of God, sound scary to you? They shouldn’t. They should sound incredibly reassuring. They should be the words that bring you comfort anytime this mean ol’ world dumps on your head. In fact, I’d like to … Read the rest
You Are Not Your Own I’m sure you’ve heard these sayings: “You gotta be who you are” or “You should go discover yourself” or “It’s time to be your own man”. They’re not evil, but sayings like these could cause … Read the rest
Sometimes, in a battle, you’ll hear those in charge say something like, “We’re mobilizing for defense”. That means they’re gathering the troops together in such a way to make a stronger stand. And that can be an excellent move. But it … Read the rest
Moses wrote the first 5 books in the Bible. Collectively, they’re known as the Pentateuch. I’m not gonna even attempt an exposition of all that right now. I just wanna draw your attention to where Moses got a little redundant. … Read the rest
The Amazing Quest of The Treasure Bible
Just exactly what is The Treasure? Simple answer…a solar-powered, field-tested audio Bible. More complex answer…it’s a tried and true way of getting God’s word into the ears and hearts of people who might not get it any other way. The … Read the rest
New Thought. It’s an ironic moniker for such an old way of thinking. At its core, it’s simply another way of getting the Biblical God out of the way. And making room for “self” to BE god. That’s what Christians … Read the rest
Objective Morality Without God OK, Christians…here’s what we’re up against. When you take God out of the equation, the question of “right and wrong” is a moot point. It isn’t objective morality at the point. It’s opinion. And guess what? … Read the rest
Recently I released Volume 1 of my “Raise The Praise” collection of praise and worship songs. (already have the songs for Volume 2, by the way) And the last song of the first group is called “Give Me The Whole … Read the rest
41,892,128 Memorial Day Blessings
Don’t worry, I’m not gonna individually list all 41,892,128 Memorial Day blessings. That would take a lot more space and time than either you or I have. But I AM gonna share with you how much I believe we take … Read the rest
The internet has a seductive allure for people (and even businesses) to work anonymously. If you’re one of those who wants to work anonymously, that’s a mistake. Don’t get me wrong. I understand wanting or even needing to be or feel anonymous…sometimes. … Read the rest
So, how do you understand the inexplicable? You can’t. Or can you? Or is there really such a thing as understanding the inexplicable universe? Pondering the mysteries of the universe without the “site map” can lead to brain melt-down. Or … Read the rest