Open your mind to a train of thought Have you ever been called close-minded? If you’re a Christian who rightly divides the word of truth, I wouldn’t be surprised, at all, if you have. I can’t tell you how many … Read the rest
Category Archives: Christian Articles
Hey Christians – Are you admonishing one another? And not only that, but are you doing it with a song? A little while back I wrote about how singing with grace in my heart is part of my “job description”. … Read the rest
Bugs and drugs – this ain’t gonna be pretty Yeah, you know when the headline mentions bugs and drugs, the story is gonna be a little creepy. And toss in some foul-mouthed thugs, and you’ve got a story only a … Read the rest
Who doesn’t love liberty and freedom? I’ve been watching America decline into self-loathing and self-induced slavery for the past couple of decades. And I’m amazed at how quickly so many people are willing to sell their liberty and freedom to … Read the rest
Is Christian Cool…cool? I’ve been thinking over some “real” stuff lately. As cool as I think the digital world is (or can be), it doesn’t hold a candle to the real world. And by that I mean people. And by … Read the rest
The mind of God – probably not what you think It’s all part of God’s plan. How many times have I heard that…from Christians? And it makes me cringe. Every. Single. Time. They’ve fallen for the Platonic view of God … Read the rest
You’ll never be bored in the house of the Lord You and I are mortal. And physical. So, we understand physical and material structure. We can wrap our minds around the image of a house. That’s why, in the Bible, … Read the rest
Perish the thought. I’m tellin’ you what. If you think you can choose the dark side of life and good things will happen, perish the thought. It ain’t true. And it will never be true. Even if you get away … Read the rest
Shut your mouth and tolerate If you wanna make sure more bad things happen in the world, shut your mouth. And put down your pen and keep your hands off the keyboard. Just keep your narrow-minded, hard-hearted, and “religious” opinions … Read the rest
Happy Resurrection Day 2017 For those of you who don’t follow the Christian faith and don’t understand the meaning of Resurrection Day 2017, let me say Happy Easter. If you do understand, I hope your day is blessed with loved ones, celebration, … Read the rest