There are definitely some awesome digital tools nowadays. Especially for people who’d like to create and sell things like words and music. (hmm, can’t think of anybody like that right now…) And even “real job” people can create and sell … Read the rest
Category Archives: II Corinthians
Have you ever sat down to write something and couldn’t figure out what to say? I have a theory about that. I believe it’s your subconscious desire to speak to God. Even if you don’t believe He exists. Because, even … Read the rest
Sustainable aviation fuel. I just read a couple of short articles, from Forbes and the Wall Street Journal, about the “new” approach to help “reduce the carbon footprints” of airline companies. And, as I read, I thought, “How nice. Big … Read the rest
Here’s a short farming quiz. And anyone who misses even one question fails miserably. Not just the quiz. But also at life in general. So, are you ready? Here you go. Farming is necessary: Yes___No___ Farmers help keep you alive: … Read the rest
Today is particularly appropriate to share something I wrote 9 years ago about the gift of life. And I’m not sure who needs to read or hear this. But if it’s you, let me know so we can be glad … Read the rest
I am NOT a liberal. Although I AM liberal. And that might seem confusing at first glance. But it makes total sense AND it’s the sensible way to be. But only when you understand the difference between the word, liberal, … Read the rest
For those who are loved and appreciated, mothers live on far past their time here on Earth. Today, May 8, 2022, marks the second Mother’s Day without my own mom to call. She died about 90 days before last year’s … Read the rest
Joel Osteen is a fool. He’s not the only fool. Not by a long shot. But he’s one of the biggest. Because he’s in charge of one of the biggest churches in America. And he’s telling (translate that to selling) … Read the rest
“For you put up with fools gladly, since you yourselves are wise! For you put up with it if one brings you into bondage, if one devours you, if one takes from you, if one exalts himself, if one strikes … Read the rest
Let’s say, for the sake of argument (<< figure of speech), that you feel like the whole world is closing in on you. And let’s say that you listen to and watch “news,” but the more you see and hear, … Read the rest
There are plenty of reasons to be positive in 2022. And that’s despite the fact that you live in a broken world. Because you have tons of blessings in your life. Still, it’s good to face reality. And take it … Read the rest
I remember driving across Kansas on I-70, headed to college in Manhattan (the little Apple, not the big one). And every so often I’d pass a sign that said something like, “One Kansas farmer feeds 27 people.” I can’t say, … Read the rest