No matter who you are…no matter where you live…no matter what you’ve done…you belong to God. He paid for you, and I can tell you this…you were expensive. It cost Him more than any of us can every repay. Even … Read the rest
Category Archives: I Corinthians
There are three things you can do right now to show love. If love is in you, it shouldn’t be difficult. If love is in you…and you’re not just tossing the word “love” out there to hear it crash to … Read the rest
If you’re a Christian (and even if you’re not) do you ever feel like a lot of what you do is overlooked, ignored, or cast aside? I’ve written and shared a ton of words, music, and pictures to illustrate my … Read the rest
Why Is Not The Question
Why is not the question we should be asking. Why leads to lie. OK, I admit that sounds harsh, but that’s really not my intention. What I’d like you see is how easy it is to get an answer we … Read the rest
Done With Love
The Apostle Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 16 sound more like a letter to friends than at other parts in 1 Corinthians. You can read of his plans, suggestions, and observations. And he exhorts the Corinthians to “watch, stand fast … Read the rest
Imagine one second you’re here on Earth going about your business. And then, in the twinkling of an eye you’re in the heavenly places with God. Would that be the coolest thing or what?! Sound silly? Sound far-fetched? Or ridiculous? … Read the rest
A Glorious Body
You can live forever, in paradise with your Creator, in a glorious body. So don’t worry so much about the body you have now which only lasts a little while. Pardon the abrupt way I jumped into this Biblical topic. … Read the rest
Let Us Eat And Drink
Maybe you’ve heard this: “let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die”. Or maybe you’ve heard another version: “eat, drink, and be merry…for tomorrow we die”. And “let us eat…” comes from the Bible. Did you know that? Paul … Read the rest
The Last Enemy
Once you live beyond your childhood you acquire enemies. That’s a sad and pessimistic sounding commentary, but it’s true. It’s an occupational hazard of being alive, having opinions, and sharing your thoughts. You don’t have the same enemies as someone … Read the rest
If this whole story of how Jesus rose from the dead two thousand years ago is merely a fairy tale…a fable…a legend…then I’ve been duped, and I’ve been a false witness. You see…it’s like this…since I was thirteen I’ve been … Read the rest
The Reality of Faith
I have faith. Faith in God, in His Son Jesus, and in the Holy Spirit. But if these three don’t truly exist, my faith is in vain. So, the question arises…can I know they exist? I mean…really know? Well, the … Read the rest
Pursue Love
In 1 Corinthians 14:1-40 the Apostle Paul goes in depth on the spiritual gift of tongues. My New King James Bible divides this passage into 4 sections…prophecy and tongues…tongues must be interpreted…tongues a sign to unbelievers…and…order in church meetings. On … Read the rest