There I stood. In between the guitar player’s loud amp and the drummer’s crash cymbal. That’s where my equipment had been placed on a stage in front of business executives. Things had already fallen behind a bit. So, there was … Read the rest
Category Archives: I Corinthians
This morning I remembered a mad conversation, between a young couple, I overheard in a burger joint a few years ago. And they were parents of a couple of young kids. I know that because the kids were in the … Read the rest
Love when you can, cry when you have to. Be who you must, that’s a part of the plan. Await your arrival with simple survival. And one day we’ll all understand. One day we’ll all understand. Those are lyrics from … Read the rest
If you even think evil thoughts, you’ve sinned. How’s that for a cheerful start to your week? I had one main reason why it came up in me to say that. Because of the kinds of things that transpired over … Read the rest
They say (whoever “they” are) that a picture is worth a thousand words. But, on the other hand, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So, I guess it’s up to me to connect the words … Read the rest
I recommend you don’t live a meaningless life. On the surface, that might sound like a job for Captain Obvious. But, sadly, most people who ever lived, are living now, or ever will live, won’t avoid it. About 8 years … Read the rest
Paul was a manly man. When you read about him, you won’t find a sentence that describes him that way. But, clearly, he was the polar opposite of a wimp. And, yes, I know that’s a polarizing statement. But I … Read the rest
It makes me mad how some people feel a deep-down, dastardly need to rule over others. Yeah, for them, rule number one is “Do unto others before they can do unto you.” But that rule number one only lasts a … Read the rest
You can learn to fly. And it won’t cost you lots of money for oodles of hours of training. AND you’ll be able to fly up to the sky much faster than technology can take your text across the globe. … Read the rest
How about this expression? “The bad apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” You’ve heard that, right? Hmm, maybe that’s acorn. Or lemon. Doesn’t matter. The point’s the same. But there’s another expression, too. “One bad apple don’t spoil the … Read the rest
So. You grew up, left your parents’ house, and went out on your own. Great. You’re not a kid anymore. And that’s exactly as it should be. What’s that? You still have to deal with your inner child? Well, here’s … Read the rest