By Faith You Stand
The one true, living God is a yes God. His answer to your request for Him to be there for you is “yes”. Does He want you to have life? Yes. Does He want you to have it abundantly? Yes. Does He want to fill you with His Spirit and keep you with Him forever in paradise? Yes. Can you stand the trouble of this world when you trust God to help you get through it? Yes. And yet, since you can’t see God…so, it’s by faith you stand.
Think about it…almost everybody has faith in something or someone. Whether it’s self, or money, or the government, or parents, or sports heroes, or aliens from outer space, most of us put our faith in something.
Misplaced faith can cost a lot more than anyone might imagine. Faith in self requires ever increasing amounts of narcissism while simultaneously spiraling down into a bottomless abyss. Faith in money vanishes the minute a disaster strikes. Faith in parents or sports heroes is dashed against the rocks when their imperfections are revealed. And faith in aliens from outer space…well…seriously?
By faith you stand for something. By faith you’re able to give an answer for the hope that lies within. By faith you move from existing as a temporary physical creature with no perspective beyond your earthly body. By faith you understand the eternity written upon the tablet of your heart.
Do you stand on and by faith? Or are you simply waiting to see what happens next and if it will profit your “self”?
In Faith, Hope, and Love”