Building walls is essential for your life.
I’m sure you’ve heard someone use that cliché to describe someone else who appears to be shutting everyone out. “She’s just building walls, and she won’t let anyone in!” You’ve heard that…right? Well, I’m here to share with you how you couldn’t even survive without some walls being built. Don’t believe it? Want me to explain? Good. Here goes…
Imagine taking a journey into one of the trillions of cells inside your body. One of the first things you’d notice is how many chemicals there are. Lots of those chemicals are acidic. Many others are known as base or alkaline. Guess what happens if some of the wrong chemicals get mixed up! Yeah, you guessed it. A chemical reaction. And that’s not what you want going on down deep in your cells. So, what keeps that from happening?
Building walls of chemical barriers and buffers in your cells was a brilliant design.
If life just evolved, then all those barriers and buffers would have evolved, too. And how could they develop with all those chemical reactions destroying all the building materials? How could it all happen at just the right time in the right way…for millions of different species…enough times for a single cell to become something more complex? Short answer…it couldn’t that way. Accidents don’t create. But God does. And He did.
When the Bible says you’re “fearfully and wonderfully made”, I’m guessing even the writer of that Proverb didn’t know just how intricately we’re made. That’s one of the great things about living in these times. As science and technology look more deeply inside creation, the more they discover the Creator and how amazing He is to love us like He does.
Stay tuned,
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