Ah, it’s a brand new day
After all my fun talk about how awesome it is to have a balloon sinuplasty surgery, I figured it’s a good time to change the pace. Because it’s a brand new day. And with each new sunrise comes new hope. New horizons. And a fresh new outlook. Right?
Every brand new day represents opportunity.
Back when I was a full time live performing musician, I used to sing a song with that title, by Sting. And it included these lyrics:
Why don’t we turn the clock to zero honey.
I’ll sell the stock we’ll spend all the money.
We’re starting up a brand new day.
Turn the clock all the way back.
I wonder if she’ll take me back.
I’m thinking in a brand new way.
Of course, Sting was talking about a relationship. But life, in general, is sort of like that. Each day you have at least a metaphorical opportunity to turn the clock to zero. And to start over. Or where you left off the day before. But with a brand new outlook.
I’m a couple of days past my sinus surgery. And a lot of the pain has subsided. So, I’m able to work through my day with hopeful anticipation. And with the idea that I’m probably gonna get well and be able to work much closer to full capacity again.
There’s something to be said for going through the ring of fire so you can dive into the cool pool. And I know nobody prefers the ring of fire. But that’s what this life serves up.
On a regular basis.
So embrace the challenges you face today.
And remember that you live in grace today.
And your hope and love are in God’s place today.
Let your doubts vanish without a trace today.
Stay tuned,
My books are also on Amazon.com or Apple Books
Grab yourself a cool tee
Or how about some music for kids