Boomer opinions. Yeah, those “old” people actually DO take a position on a lot of stuff in life. And I discovered, earlier this morning, that younger generations agree with some of them. GASP!
Like this one: “They need to fix the audio in movies so that the music and sound FX don’t drown out the dialogue?” That was a comment on a social media channel. And replies mentioned how “that so true” plus “Yeah, and the movies are filmed so dark you can hardly tell what’s going on.”
Remember, those are replies to boomer opinions.
Not just more boomers agreeing with boomer opinions. So, see? The “old people” ain’t the only ones who say some of these things.
Here’s something else mentioned by a boomhead: “Every store/service does not need an app.” And some younger replies included: “If I need an app to shop there, I will shop someplace else. Just another way to pilfer your private information!” What?! You mean even younger people value privacy? And I like this reply, too: “I don’t download them. If they want me as a customer, stop making it more difficult for me to patronise your store! That especially applies to restaurants. I want a menu I can read, not on a phone screen.”
Here’s one more opinion: “I want to talk to a person in customer service, not a machine.” And here’s a reply from someone who is NOT a boomer: “I am sick to death of the first 4 to 6 minutes of every call being automated rubbish and press 1 for this and 2 for that only to either end up in a queue, on hold, or being told this can be done online and hung up on. Half the time you are in the queue and “mysteriously” are disconnected too. Then they wonder why customers are rude or raging on the phone. Dude, you have messed them around for upwards of 30 minutes before they even reached the call centre that are then unable to help them anyway.”
Yeah, I’m not eggzackly sure why so many “younger generations” have such low opinions of baby boomers. But I see SO many comments where they poke fun of us, attempt to mock us, and even curse their fool, little heads off at us.
So, it’s nice to see at least a few of them agree a little.
One thing I believe is crucial to not looking and/or sounding like an old dork is to stay up with technology. Don’t gripe about it and say things like, “Who can keep up with all these changes? Those corporations just use updates and upgrades to get more of your money.”
Play it smart. You don’t have to get every new thing and then get every new update. But you DO need to know what’s going on. Because that techno world you might rather resist is just another tool that Satan and his minions will try to use against you.
So, don’t help him and his minions.
Tech up your boomer opinions.
You could start by knowing a lot more about your phone. And here’s an audio book that makes it a lot easier to learn and understand.
Stay tuned…
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