I saw an interesting boomer description this morning. The writer made this list and the comment that followed:
- We drive used cars;
- Live in modest homes;
- Prepare our own meals – no meal services;
- Brew our own coffee;
- Grow gardens;
- Shop sales;
- Don’t consume to make others think we’re rich
We aren’t celebrating that young folks can’t afford homes. Many of us have our children living with us while they try to save a down payment. Many of us voted for people who care about young people. Please stop lumping us all together as though we are callous.
And that wasn’t the only boomer description with a positive message.
Here are some more:
“I’m 62. In some of the best shape of my life. Some of us have been awake a LONG time, not buying what the mainstream is selling, and have been around long enough to see the patterns that got a lot of people in a very precarious place.”
“Why do boomer men refuse to slow down? A boomer myself, I cannot stop working as I have done so all of my life. We have to keep fit and as healthy as we can. I wonder how some of today’s younger people will fare when they’re my age.”
“Boomer ’61 but more gen x than most gen xers. I still clean my gutters & screen enclosure on a 12 ft ladder, do martial arts, shoot gun & bow. No meds, never sick and if you get too close, watch out.”
Here’s a short, but great, one:
“Do you want the key to eating healthy? Avoid eating any food that has a TV commercial !! #boomerknowsthings”
“Glad I’m a boomer! I was taught manners and respect and how to behave in social gatherings. I can communicate in full sentences, and I can write in cursive.”
And here’s a comment that a daughter shared about her boomer dad:
“Grew up on a farm. My dad still lives there. Eats his own meat and eggs every single day. He puts salt on everything, works hard outside daily, still has a flip phone, no internet or social media and NEVER goes to the doctor for anything. And he’s 72 and healthier than many people I know in their 40’s!!!!”
Unfortunately I don’t think any of these boomer descriptions fit most people in that demographic. But it’s great to see there are a lot. Because that means there are still a lot of us who understand the importance of moving and working. And I’m a firm believer that moving and working for as long as you possibly can is what God wants for you, too.
And if you’re reading this, you and I are still here on the planet. So…
Here we stand,
While the clock is tickin’ we’re alive and kickin’
Time moves on,
But we must remember, keep a burnin’ ember.
Let’s go out and capture life together.
(from my song, “Let’s Capture Life Together”)
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