Gnats. Flies. If you’re like most people, just the mention of those little buggers is annoying. Because that’s what they are. Annoying. And the reason I brought ’em up is because of my eyeglasses. Not because gnats and flies are … Read the rest
It’s a weird and wicked world. And all the worldly dots are connected. And I arrived at this thought due to following along some of those dots just now. One leap led me to discover what a vitriolic sphere is. … Read the rest
I’ve seen and heard so many wackadoos talk about the “trans community” as if the rest of the world is supposed to accept them as a “normal” thing. Or they call on each other to stand up for the “trans … Read the rest
You ALWAYS have a third choice. Despite what 99% of movies, TV shows, and songs would have you believe, you do. When you’re told you only have two choices, take a little time to think that through. Very often, the … Read the rest
The history of Play Dough (also known as Play Doh) is interesting. Because it actually started out as a product to help people clean the wallpaper in their homes. Wait. Play Dough cleaned walls? Huh? Yeah, a guy named Cleo … Read the rest
When I mention the phrase, lovers and friends, your reaction might be influenced by your age. For example, a younger generation might think of a music festival that features “nostalgic hip-hop and R&B.” And an older generation might remember lyrics … Read the rest
They happen to the rich and poor, the beautiful and ugly. And to the short and tall, the fat and thin. Even the old AND young. I’m talking about issues of the day. Trouble is, most of America prefers to … Read the rest
Imagine you’re a 5 year old girl. No, you’re NOT a trans freak 5 year old girl. An actual 5 year old girl. And imagine a doctor tells your parents you have sickle-cell anemia. Then, by age 11, you get … Read the rest
When I was a kid, I lived part-time in Texas and part-time in Kansas. And my time in Texas was city life while my time in Kansas was in a rural town of about 1500 people. But because America’s states … Read the rest
89. Seems strange to think. But that’s how old my Dad would be, today, if he was still around to celebrate his birthday here on Earth. But if birthdays are still celebrated in Heaven, that’s where he has celebrated the … Read the rest