It’s an event where business owners and entrepreneurs go to “spot trends, build partnerships, or secure brand rights for your products.” It’s the Licensing Expo. And it was held in Las Vegas this year. A 60 year old woman, you … Read the rest
It’s crazy weird. But most people still believe there are some people qualified to “make law.” And nothing could be further from the truth. I have a quirky, murky sign of a turkey who illustrates what I mean. And it … Read the rest
I just want you to know I’m wishing you all the best today. Because I know you’re going through a lot. And I know it can sometimes feel like you’re being tested every day. So, yeah. I’m wishing you all … Read the rest
When I was a kid, there was a show on TV called Hee Haw. And every weekend, through the summer, I remember the family gathered around the TV set to watch all that “cornpone” humor. It was hosted by Roy … Read the rest
If I talked to carnations, or lilacs, or even lilies of the valley (and I don’t, in spite of what you might’ve heard), I’d probably say something clever like, “You must’ve been scent from above.” And that’s because there’s nothing … Read the rest
Ideas have consequences. And, naturally, that statement implies both the positive and negative. And I’m gonna share an example of bad consequences for bad ideas. This is a post I found on a social media platform where the discussion was … Read the rest
I just read a short article about a Milky Way black hole problem. And you’d better brace yourself. Because this is a serious problem. Here’s a snippet from that article: “A black hole with millions of times more mass than … Read the rest
Just so you know, right up front, I don’t believe humans turn into angels when they die. Because angels are not the same kind of creation. And they’re already created. And they’ll always BE angels. You and I are already … Read the rest
I hope you haven’t fallen into the SNAP trap. Because it’s obviously difficult to impossible to escape. And just imagine the horror you’d face without the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Brought to you by your most benevolent and trustworthy government. … Read the rest
Low self-esteem. Negative body image. Even suicide. This world is chock full o’ nuts. Oh wait. That’s coffee. Must’ve gotten distracted by the aroma emanating from the cup on my desk. Seriously, there are countless numbers of people dealing with … Read the rest