More chapters have been added to the climate change fairy tale. And you can expect more to come. Because the enemy of Truth is tireless in his attempts to pervert and subvert data. And they love to write the climate … Read the rest
Here’s a quote that was included in a meme I saw being shared on social media this week. It said, “Do everything with a good heart and expect nothing in return, and you will never be disappointed.” Seems like a … Read the rest
There’s no such thing as actual transgender. Sure, you can make up words and apply whatever touchy feely definitions you devise in your own mind. But just saying it doesn’t make it true. You can identify. But it doesn’t change … Read the rest
You don’t have to look far to find a financial “guru” who has the solution to your retirement income problems. And they often say your future security depends on your present investments. But the future they talk about is chicken … Read the rest
Well, it’s all over but the whinin’. Yeah, for all intents and purposes, July is done. And is it just me, or does it seem like there were more than a couple of hot days this month? Yeah, probably just … Read the rest
Right now he knows if I (and many others like me) am a liar or not. And he found out you can take it to the limit and barely be started. Yeah, he fully knows the take it to the … Read the rest
If you could carry around something invisible that could almost immediately transport you across the world, you’d do it. Right? Well, you’ve got something like that. And you have a way to access it almost anytime you like. Your phone … Read the rest
“It has a very hypnotic groove, a samba, which has a tremendous hypnotic power, rather like good dance music. It doesn’t speed up or slow down. It keeps this constant groove. Plus, the actual samba rhythm is a great one … Read the rest
I’m the only byline author here on And, of course, that makes sense since the website bears my name. In case you’re not familiar with journalism jargon, a byline is just a title of the article and who wrote … Read the rest
Happy Pioneer Day. And before you jump to the conclusion that I’m gonna share some Funderful insight about Brigham Young and his connection to Utah, let me assure you. Nothing could be further from that nonsense. Pioneer Day supposedly started … Read the rest