I’m writing to you from the heart of the nation, now. Our respiratory experiment, on the Gulf coast, is finished. And I know the high level of humidity, there, was not the solution. So, after leaving the arid climate of … Read the rest
Because it helps burn fat. Yeah, that’s it. That’s the reason. Wait. No. It’s because it can help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. Yeah, that’s definitely…uh, wait. Nope, it’s because it can help improve energy levels. Aw, who … Read the rest
Unless you’ve got your hands over your eyes and ears you know there’s a lotta trouble in this world. It’s worse than I’ve ever seen it. But there’s been massive trouble on this planet my whole life. And it was … Read the rest
Back in the Bible days kids walked to school. And some of us had morning prayer, over the loudspeaker, before we headed out from homeroom into the different classes. We also said the “pledge of allegiance.” And it was the … Read the rest
Listen closely (or is that crohsry?), grasshopper (or is that glasshopper?). You are now entrusted with carrying on the most honorable tradition of the Myelin Sheath. Just kidding. Bet I had you goin’ there, for a second. Right? So solly. … Read the rest
One of the members said their group name described “people with vague or half-formed intimations and ideas.” And he said it was for “those who dabble in ink” as they talk about their works in progress. Members to this dynamic … Read the rest
I’ve been absent from my writings for a few days. But I have a doctor’s note. So you can’t get mad at me or anything. Seriously. I could show you the info. But I’m sure you don’t need all the … Read the rest
Too bad Neil Young is such a fool when it comes to what’s truly important. Because, over the years, I’ve enjoyed a lot of his music. I remember listening to “Harvest” on my drive back to Texas, after my summer … Read the rest
Back in 2013 (hard to believe that’s already ten years ago) I challenged myself to write rhymes for kids 100 days in a row. And I met that challenge. I received a lot of positive feedback for most of the … Read the rest
Before I share this next thought, I’ll let you know that I realize it’s a perspective I have about me. So, I fully realize it could be completely different from the one you have about me. And it’s most likely … Read the rest