They can be gifts from God. And they can certainly just be the result of random thoughts your brain interprets and visualizes randomly. But how do you know which is which? Well, it takes more than a feeling to know … Read the rest
I shared some stuff a few years ago that bears repeating. Because even though government schools dumb down all who attend, teach in, and run those institutions, humans still have complex capabilities other creatures don’t have. My wife and I … Read the rest
As an adjective, a dictionary defines it: deep purplish-red or sanguinary. And then a check on the word “sanguinary” shows this definition: full of or characterized by bloodshed; bloody – ready or eager to shed blood; bloodthirsty. Yikes! So, I … Read the rest
A train can’t make turns at the next intersection the way your car or pickup can. They have to follow the tracks. But even trains can go just about anywhere. Because there isn’t just one set of tracks. But they … Read the rest
Where do vitamins originally come from? And where does nutrition start? Food. I’ve never been able to kick the habit of eating every day. And I don’t want to. Food good. No food, bad. I’ll be the first (or second) … Read the rest
Hey fathead. Yeah, YOU! Don’t get mad. I’m just tellin’ it like it is. Because essentially you’re a fathead. For that matter, so am I. So, were in this together. Of course, I’m talking about that think zone inside your … Read the rest
I think about what she said, more often, these days. I’m talkin’ about what my Grandmother said, as I sat on her front porch snapping green beans with her. It was during a couple of years when my brother and … Read the rest
They say (whoever “they” are) that a picture is worth a thousand words. But, on the other hand, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So, I guess it’s up to me to connect the words … Read the rest
Your eternal fate all comes down to your answer to one question. Who do you believe in? Do you believe in yourself? Or buddha, confucius, or the universe? There’s a mountain of evidence against them being good choices. Of course, … Read the rest
I guess it’s not for everyone. In fact, amazingly enough, most people don’t want it and don’t even wanna talk about it. But the promise of living forever sounds mighty appealing to me. I can barely imagine not having that … Read the rest