One day, way back when, as I sat in my college dormitory room in Manhattan, Kansas, I looked out the window and saw feathery, floating flakes of snow. An early Autumn snowfall had just started. So, I knew it wouldn’t … Read the rest
It has been a wonderful day. Elgielene and I started this marriage journey 34 years ago, today. And we were able to enjoy some simple things we love in some new places. Plus, it was particularly special because it’s Friday. … Read the rest
I can’t quite see myself writing them. But the memory of how it happened is crystal and clear. When I was almost 20 years old, I wrote a song called “Sparkling Salvation.” It wasn’t a great song. But the melody … Read the rest
Ok, let’s take Wisdom from the top, on four. And uh one and uh two. What’s the matter? Never hoid o’ da song? Where ya been, Ben. It’s the cat’s pajamas. And the bees knees. So, here we go. Wisdom, … Read the rest
Back when I used to perform, nightly, in an island-themed restaurant, one crowd favorite was a song by Jimmy Buffett. The lyrics talked about volcanoes erupting and what would happen when they do. Words like, “Ground she’s movin’ under me. … Read the rest
This will be the third year I’ve shared the Doris story. And it probably won’t mean anything to anyone who didn’t know her. But to those who knew her, were related to her, and even worked with her, it might … Read the rest
They build them tall. Because they don’t want you to see what’s going on behind there. And they don’t want anyone who cares about what’s going behind there to be able to make eye contact or interfere. And there are … Read the rest
I remember Ted Kennedy’s shaky voice, during a eulogy for his brother Robert, as he quoted George Bernard Shaw who said, “Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why … Read the rest
There have been countless times when all it took to open a gate of rhyming reason in my head was a picture of one single object. And that happened a lot, last year, after I stumbled upon a seemingly endless … Read the rest
So, there was this friend of mine who always said some pretty radical stuff. Like “abhor what is evil.” Well, I looked up the word “abhor.” And do you know what it means? Basically to hate something with all your … Read the rest