When I was a boy, most parents, across America, actually cared about their kids’ health. And well-being. Yeah, I know it sounds like a fairy tale. But it was true. Most homes had a stay at home mom. And that’s … Read the rest
According to research, rhyming books can “help with language development, including phonemic awareness, which is crucial for early reading skills.” And apparently rhyming books “make learning fun which is particularly appealing to young children.” Hmm. I guess that might all … Read the rest
Be aware. Be very aware. At all times. And in all places. Especially if you’re a female, a child, or a weakened old person. Because you best believe there are scumbags out there who are aware of who’s not aware. … Read the rest
Way back in the 20th century, in a little Kansas town, of barely 1500 people, T-bud enjoyed summertime. In fact, he didn’t just enjoy it, he could barely wait for it every year. Yeah, you’d have a hard time finding … Read the rest
There are lots of bad guys (and that includes the female part of “guys” too) out there everyday. You can’t swing a metal jump rope without hittin’ at least one. In fact, I could tell you a story, three stories … Read the rest
Maybe you think of “A Christmas Story” when I share the term, BB gun. Or maybe you remember wanting one yourself once upon a time. Hopefully you’re not a scaredy cat who’s triggered (pun definitely intended) by any use of … Read the rest
Do these sound like masculine traits? Decisiveness, assertiveness, and confidence? I think they certainly SHOULD sound like masculine traits. And I believe those traits can be instilled into boys in ways that help them develop leadership skills. Let me ask … Read the rest
“They” say if you’re gonna write Bible stories for kids, then those stories should be adapted to their ability to understand. I agree. To a degree. Because I also believe Bible stories for kids can entertain with facts. But what … Read the rest
Here’s a little more sharp talk for ya. And, just so you know, I’m not a Greek expert. Actually not even a Greek amateur. But there are some who dig more deeply into Greek translation to get a better understanding … Read the rest
The number 9 took on a whole new value for me this morning. Hopefully you’ll find this so fascinating you’ll say, “Wow, Tony. It’s amazing how well you entertain us with your knowledge of insignificant and trivial things.” Well, hopefully … Read the rest
35 years ago, today. That’s when my beautiful Elgielene became my wife. We zoomed up high in the Denver, Colorado skyline (for real) and shared our vows to stay together through come-what-may. Then, lo and behold, we’ve done it. And … Read the rest
“Iron Sharpens Iron” is just about 99.99% always used as a positive expression. Christians, especially men, love to use it as though it’s a good thing to do to/for a friend or colleague to “help” them get closer to the … Read the rest