Watercolor art has always been one of my favorite media. Or is it medium? Or mediums? Hmm, maybe I’ll pay a medium to find out for me. Anyway… I saw this description of watercolors, during an online search session. In … Read the rest
There’s a book that says “faith comes by hearing.” But here’s the thing. You gotta be willing to listen. Let me share a short snippet about a guy who was. So, this guy’s name was Saul. He lived about 2000 … Read the rest
Forgiveness without repentance is selfish and unwise. How’s that for an opener? But I only said it because it’s true. Forgiveness without repentance kills dogs. Not just people. Yeah, if you won’t apply the proper way to forgive, to and … Read the rest
Long distance relationships never work out. How many times have you heard that one? I’ve heard it a LOT. And I don’t subscribe to that claim even though it’s true. That might sound like I just contradicted myself. But nay … Read the rest
Have you ever been somewhere, on an errand, getting groceries, whatever, and noticed a stressed look somebody’s face? If you haven’t, I’d say you’re just not paying attention. Because it’s epidemic. Or is it pandemic? Who cares? It’s pretty darn … Read the rest
There are better times ahead. No doubt (or two ways) about it. I guarantee it. But there IS a catch. You knew there would be a catch. Right? The better times ahead aren’t for everybody. Nope. There will be miserable … Read the rest
I don’t fly the unfriendly skies anymore. Because I don’t wanna be stuck in an unsanitary tube, soaring through the air at 35000 feet up, with a passenger list that includes people who hate each other and God. But, hey, … Read the rest
If you’ve ever driven through Wichita, Kansas, you might have noticed there are some flat parts. In fact, I don’t know how many times I’ve heard people diss Kansas with comments like, “It’s so flat.” But I just smile to … Read the rest
Here’s a book description written by a real faker: As a dragon, I greet each day with a dance at dawn, a ritual that has become an essential part of my routine. I rise from my slumber in the mountains, … Read the rest
You and I are the source for all the bad stuff going on in the world. OK, maybe you and I didn’t personally start any of the wars. And maybe you and I didn’t personally abduct any small children and … Read the rest