So, I’m sitting at my desk. And I found this in-depth review of my website. Part of it said: Tony Funderburk’s website paints a picture of a man who is: Boldly Convicted: Unapologetic about his Christian beliefs, he uses his … Read the rest
It all started with a dream. An idea. Just some invisible thoughts in my head. Then, I wrote the thoughts down and they became words that I put into this little white box where you could see them. And that’s … Read the rest
There I was, in my grandparents’ living room. It was a hot, Oklahoma summer day. And my Dad and Uncle were putting a weird-looking box through a window. I didn’t know what it was, at the time, because I was … Read the rest
I read a blurb that said kids still like to do things kids have done for decades. Like turn a spoon into a spaceship. Or turn a cardboard box into a castle. But now kids do funny things online because…well, … Read the rest
This morning I remembered a mad conversation, between a young couple, I overheard in a burger joint a few years ago. And they were parents of a couple of young kids. I know that because the kids were in the … Read the rest
“They” used to say, “Man, I’m on such a high right now,” when something made you big-time happy. And some said that when they inhaled certain kinds of smoke. But let’s not go there. The reason I brought it up … Read the rest
This world is getting darker and meaner every day. And there are fewer kids doing wholesome kid stuff with each passing year. But I think you’ll find that the sights and scents of a flower garden can still attract kids … Read the rest
I never met a honey bee I didn’t like. And, maybe it’s just my imagination (because I have a powerful imagination), but I think they like me, too. Because every honey bee I see smiles at me. Now, I gotta … Read the rest
X marks the spot where I read what a homeschool mom said about the idea that homeschooled kids don’t get enough social interaction. She said: Homeschooled kids: leave their homes, talk to people, read books, play sports, go to dances, … Read the rest
Where I live it can get pretty windy. In fact, the current Funderburk home town is the fifth windiest city in America. We have an average wind speed of 11.5 mph. And the strongest recorded wind speed is over 101 … Read the rest
When I was a boy, most parents, across America, actually cared about their kids’ health. And well-being. Yeah, I know it sounds like a fairy tale. But it was true. Most homes had a stay at home mom. And that’s … Read the rest
According to research, rhyming books can “help with language development, including phonemic awareness, which is crucial for early reading skills.” And apparently rhyming books “make learning fun which is particularly appealing to young children.” Hmm. I guess that might all … Read the rest