Blessed Are You Who Hunger Now
The Creator of the universe and everything in it said this: “blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be filled.” Imagine how good that must sound to someone who truly knows the gut-wrenching pains of hunger.
Blessed are you who hunger now. And later.
A couple of days ago I shared another beatitude with you. And I mentioned there are four “positive” and four not-so-positive. Well, that’s if you’re reading from the book of Luke. There are more of these beatitudes found in Matthew’s writings. But for the sake of simplicity I wanted to share from Luke’s. There’s a method to my madness…so bear with me.
Anyway…if you’ve ever known hunger, the kind of hunger that comes from days without food…not hours, then you can probably see much more clearly the fullness of the blessing of being filled. I can’t say I’ve ever been that hungry. But I have gone all day without food before. And I know how challenging that can be. Plus, I remember how wonderful a home-cooked meal tasted after that day.
When Jesus said “blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be filled“, I think He implied a bit of a double meaning, too. Especially when you consider how He talked to “the woman at the well” and the kinds of things He said to His own disciples. (that’s another story for another article)
It isn’t a stretch to imagine He could have referred to “hunger” and “be filled” from a spiritual perspective. Your soul/spirit hungers for life. And when you ask Jesus into your heart, that’s when you’ll be filled with His eternal life through His Holy Spirit.
If you haven’t already done this, can I ask you a couple of questions?
Why don’t you want it? What is it about eternal life in Heaven with your Creator that repels you? I mean it. I truly don’t understand anyone actively rejecting the love of God. But if that’s you, I hope you’ll “fill me in”.
Once you see the benefit, join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And I’ll send you daily flashes of light so we can stay focused on faith, hope, and love.
Stay tuned…