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Biblical knowledge is available to anyone who’s interested in finding out more. And the key points, and truth, of the Bible are easy enough to understand that even a child can learn about the love of our Creator. And that’s more important to know and understand than anything else anyone will ever learn.Good thing Biblical knowledge isn’t being kept under a basket somewhere.
Thankfully, Biblical knowledge is still boldly shared all over the internet. At least it is here in America. I’m sure other places in the world still “allow/tolerate” it. But, as an example of what’s shared here in America, I saw some interesting comments on social media today. Like this one:
“One of the biggest lies in society and unfortunately even in much of the church, is that everyone is basically good, rather than the biblical truth that there is NONE who are good except Jesus. That everyone is deserving of hell. That’s why a lot of what the Bible calls sin is justified, because people think – ‘well he’s a good person, why shouldn’t he be happy and allowed to be gay’ etc. This thinking leads to a lack of fear of the Lord, as well as a lukewarm passion for Jesus and a lack of absolute thankfulness that He saved us!!”
And that guy shared that post in response to a quote, by Jonathan Edwards, another guy shared. The quote is, “Almost every natural man that hears of hell flatters himself that he shall escape it.” And the guy who shared the quote added, “Don’t flatter yourself.”
Good point.
Another post I saw showed wisdom and discernment you only get with Biblical knowledge. A young woman shared this, “Parents in Canyon, Texas call it a win after the Bible is allowed back in the school’s library. But if the school spends 7-8 hours every day teaching an anti-biblical worldview, what did they win? Christians should take their CHILDREN out of the secular, Marxist government schools. That’s how you win.”
Yes, it is.
And then, you’ll get plenty of the convoluted Biblical knowledge, too. Like this post from someone who uses the handle, Biblical and Reformed (red flag alert). This person simply quoted from scripture in order to justify an incorrect predestination position. He posted, “For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, in order that He might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom He predestined, He also called. And those whom He called, He also justified, and those whom He justified, He also glorified.”
I remember having a discussion with my mom, many moons ago, about how her idea that everything that happens was pre-ordained by God. And she found that very scripture and read it to me. So, I asked her one simple question.
“Mom, who did God NOT foreknow?”
And then I asked her to apply the implications of the answer to that question to her predestination position. I saw the light flicker in the eyes of her understanding. But then, just as quickly, I saw the regurgitation of all those years of flawed Biblical knowledge flood back into her head.
Last, but not least, for now.
I saw a post that dared to say the TV series, “Yellowstone isn’t just a show it’s a blueprint for what it means to be a real man. This modern Western dives deep into masculinity, responsibility, and legacy. Let’s break it down through a biblical lens and see what every man can learn from the Duttons.” Ay yi yi!
I’ve never watched that show, but video snippets pop up all over the place. And they almost alway include a LOT of profanity and sexualized content. But the guy who posted that followed up with what he considers supportive info. Like this post, “If you’re a Christ follower, you can spot Christ in the series and movies get ready for some powerful lessons.” (his writing, not mine)
And that just ain’t so. Because it’s not Biblical or Christ-like to do so many anti Christ things but add a “redemptive” twist and call it good.
I know my Biblical knowledge doesn’t have the mass appeal of what passes for knowledge in the pop culture. But I’m totally confident that Jesus doesn’t think Yellowstone is a good show for Christians to watch.
Look, I get it. It’s good to see strong (even “white”) men portrayed in this day and age when soy boys rule so much. But I recommend your role models be Jesus, Paul, and the other patriarchs of the Bible.
So, maybe you don’t need any of this info. If that’s the case, then, as they say in Poland, Nessun problema. Continua con la tua giornata, ci sentiamo più tardi.
A Thousand Times, NO
Everything is for a reason.
God is in control.
Everything He turns to good
For His higher goal.
So do you want to thank Him for
Destruction and despair?
Is He the author of confusion?
You see it everywhere…
(from my song, A Thousand Times, NO)
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Stay tuned…