How about this expression? “The bad apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” You’ve heard that, right? Hmm, maybe that’s acorn. Or lemon. Doesn’t matter. The point’s the same. But there’s another expression, too. “One bad apple don’t spoil the … Read the rest
Throw away your daytimer (does anybody have one of those anymore?). Toss out your to-do lists, your notes to self, your calendar apps, and your reminders. Because everything has already been painstakingly planned out for you. You just need to … Read the rest
I’m happy to celebrate when a church moves in the direction of rightly dividing the word of truth. But you almost never see that anymore. In fact, most establishments calling themselves churches move in the opposite direction. Sometimes the move … Read the rest
OK, stop me if you’ve heard this story (yeah, as if you could stop me). This story took place six thousand years ago. In a place very, very close to where you are right now. In fact, it took place … Read the rest
On one of the social media channels I follow someone posted one of those positive memes about Donald Trump. Here’s the text from the picture… “Two days after the 9/11 attack real DonaldTrump was at Ground Zero with hundreds of workers that … Read the rest
There are a lot of shyster marketers out there (and it’s a sad commentary to say there are a lot) who want to separate you from your moolah. And they claim to have the keys to success. If you’re willing … Read the rest
Calculus, geometry, and trigonometry are almost impossible if you don’t first get some foundational training in basic math. And the same is true in just about every aspect of life. Because if you ain’t got the basics, you’re gonna struggle … Read the rest