Were is past tense. It’s a seemingly innocent, little verb. But it can contain implications SO intense that eternity is required in order to even begin to understand how intense. As an example, I’m gonna share some words written by … Read the rest
My “earthen vessel” challenges me to a duel every day. I’m sure you can relate. Because everybody faces challenges. But the daily duel is OK because it’s not like I’m alone in the wilderness. I’m not without power. Can you … Read the rest
Prepare yourself. Because you’re about to have your soul shaken. At least if you’ve bought into the notion that everything that happens is part of God’s plan. I wish that rumor would’ve never been started. But here’s some other shocking … Read the rest
A sign of status. And a sign of upper echelon social standing. They’re incredibly strong and agile. And they’ve been a great source of transportation for almost as long as there has been any need to travel. Because their endurance … Read the rest
A guy named John had a revelation. And not your average, everyday, ordinary revelation. This was THE revelation to beat all revelations. And some say it’s all gonna come true. Personally, I believe there’s an extremely good chance they’re right. … Read the rest
I’ve been unaware of angels, on Earth, for my whole life. And I mean the real ones. Not the little kids that moms call “my angel.” No. I mean the ones I might have even unwittingly entertained. And I’ve entertained … Read the rest
Paul was a manly man. When you read about him, you won’t find a sentence that describes him that way. But, clearly, he was the polar opposite of a wimp. And, yes, I know that’s a polarizing statement. But I … Read the rest