“They” say if you’re gonna write Bible stories for kids, then those stories should be adapted to their ability to understand. I agree. To a degree.
Because I also believe Bible stories for kids can entertain with facts.
But what do I know. I never had kids. So, I have nothing to go by. Wait a sec. Believe it or not, once upon a time, back in the olden days, I WAS a kid. And I remember enjoying Bible stories that came directly from the Bible and delighted my senses.
And just about 99.99% of the time those stories were told in rhymes. I know. Big surprise. But there was always something about rhythm and rhyme that sent words into the stickiest places of my brain. And there they remain. I bet you had similar experiences. Right?
I brought up Bible stories for kids because, as you might know, I’ve shared a few of them right here in the FunderSphere. And some of them have magically (or at least methodically) turned into books for kids.
Did someone mention books for kids?
Oh yeah, that was me.
Par dona moi. That’s Lithuanian for “oops.” Or Portuguese. Or some language or another. No matter.
Back to the books thing. I’ve been making some entertaining updates to my book “The Very First 6 Days.” And I’ve also been working on a more efficient buying experience for you. Because if there’s anything you need, it’s a better way to get FunderBooks into your kids’ hands faster.
So, that techie stuff is on its way. In the meantime, here’s a snippet from the book. Appropriately it’s…
The Very First Day
Before there were created things, and darkness filled the air…
No world or human beings were existing anywhere.
Then God created earth and sea and all the heavens too.
There was no sun, no moon, no stars, and only God shone through.
He looked down at the waters and the dark face of the deep.
The earth was still and quiet just as we are when we sleep.
He said, “Let there be light” the way a perfect, true God could,
And then He saw the brand new light and knew that it was good.
Then God divided light and dark, and darkness He called Night.
The light would be called Day, and it was pleasing in His sight.
That evening and that morning wouldn’t be the total sum…
No, that was just the very first day…five were yet to come.
Take a second and join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And, to show my sincere appreciation for your time and attention, I’ll send you download links to 2 of my books and 2 songs, right away, that grownups AND kids can enjoy. Then, I’ll do my best to encourage you to sing a new song with the power of God’s love.
Stay tuned,