Being Silly
Being silly when I’m writing for kids is a big part of what makes it fun for me…and them. If I create a talking toad or a laughing lizard, kids are just fine with that. So, knowing that kids don’t mind if the hero of a story or poem is only 1 inch tall makes for some funny plot twists.
There seem to be so many “rules” for writing. And when I consider how many different kinds of books and authors are a huge success, I wonder who made up the “rules”. Many times I read excerpts from a bestseller, and I just don’t get it. And then I’ll find something I love from a writer who has no success whatsoever. Go figure.
I boil it down to the uniqueness of every human being. While we share so many similarities, we have so many things about us that are uniquely US. With access to the internet, we can connect with others who “get” US. Then we can build a small (or big) community of like-minded readers and writers who can discuss what we like or don’t like about what so-and-so wrote.
My connection tends to be with people like Dr. Suess…and people who love Dr. Suess books. I’d like to think he and I could have been good friends if we lived at similar times in history. And while I’m no Dr. Suess…I can confidently say he was no Tony Funderburk.
Being Silly
You could shine just like a diamond in sunlight.
You could be a star and light the whole dark midnight.
And you could be a daffodil or tiger lily,
But nothin’ quite compares to being silly.
You could make a frown and wrinkle up your whole face
You could walk into a room and freeze the whole place.
By why would you want to make someone so chilly,
When nothin’ quite compares to being silly?
You could be a superhero on a mission
Or a fairy helpin’ people with their wishin’.
You could make a funny face at Uncle Willy.
Yeah, nothin’ quite compares to being silly.
Stay tuned,
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