Being a business owner ain’t for coasters
I’m not talking about those cute, little thingys you put under your drink to protect your snazzy coffee table. And I’m also not talking that R&B group from way back”yakety yak, don’t talk back. Unless you plan on being a business owner whose business is like this”
You can’t be a business owner and keep your engine in neutral and coast. The only way to coast is downhill. And you don’t want your business going downhill”right?
Owning a business means you might be:
- renting an office or designing your own home office
- buying the office supplies,
- getting the phone lines (and making lots of calls),
- establishing your internet service and office network
- upgrading your computer and printer
- paying the bills
And maybe you’ve got this going on, too
- working on your ideas
- brainstorming,
- learning new software,
- designing business cards and brochures,
- building a website (SEO, e-commerce, etc.)
Or you’ve built or remodeled a new brick and mortar store equipped with everything you need for success. Maybe you even went a step further and spent money on a pay-per-click advertising campaign or a newspaper or radio ad.
Yeah, being a business owner is tough
Wow! That’s a lotta stuff. And you might just be getting started.
So”do you really have time to write effective, eye-catching, ear-popping, response-getting ads for your business? I mean really have time”not just fit it in when you’ve finished loading software for your updated operating system.
Well, I do I have time because that’s what I do. And I can do it for you in ways you’re gonna love. Multimedia ways, and they’re perfect for today’s “attention spans”.
When it comes to business, you could say “build it and they still won’t come”. Why? Just think of how many businesses are started every week? And how many websites are being added each day? How can you possibly shine in the middle of all that commotion? I know how”in fact, I know some very successful ways”
Your business is just another building on the block (unless you’re an established brand name). Or maybe you’re just a few megabytes on somebody’s business server where they don’t get paid to care if you show up on the radar screen. They get paid to keep your site secure and up-and-running. That’s OK because it’s really YOUR job to care about showing up on the radar screen. And it’s my job to say it for you”
- personably,
- content rich,
- and to the point”
- to get your Most Wanted Response”selling more stuff”
No one will care more about your business than you.
But I can tell you that I do come in a close second”because as one hair product commercial used to say: “if you don’t look good, I don’t look good”. And if I can make you look and sound good enough to sell to your customers, then we both get our most wanted response. My goal is for you to increase conversions (aka: sell more stuff) and then for you to tell everyone how I helped”pure and simple.
So you can count on this. You’ve just found someone who wants to help you solve your problems, and I know key things to write or say for you to do just that.
Also, join the growing body of believers who signed up for the FunderFlash Journal, if you haven’t already. And I’ll send you good stuff so you can focus on faith, hope, and love with me.
Stay tuned…