There are plenty of reasons to be positive in 2022. And that’s despite the fact that you live in a broken world. Because you have tons of blessings in your life. Still, it’s good to face reality. And take it head on even if it doesn’t agree with your positive outlook.
The ruler of this world wants you afraid. So, be positive. And fear not.
Here’s something I wrote 8 years ago. And it’s interesting (and sad) how much more it applies now…
“As a writer, I observe emotions, outlooks on life, major (and even minor) events in life. And I’ve observed how they’re all components of actions, reactions, and habits. Don’t fall victim to these tactics.
For instance, there are three (active) positions you can take on just about any issue:
- Pessimism
- Optimism
- Realism
Numbers 1 and 3 can mix together. Numbers 2 and 3 can blend, too. But numbers 1 and 2 are total opposites. Now any good marketing writer can take an issue like unemployment and report it from either of the first two positions. First, pessimism can say unemployment is up to 6% . But optimism could say 94% of people who want to work are working.
The numbers represent the same thing, but they sure don’t sound the same, do they?
The only reason I’m bringing this up is because it’s a new year. 2013 is brand new. And you’re gonna hear a lot of spin where the “fiscal cliff” is concerned. Watch carefully how the different parties on both sides of the issue portray the problems. And so-called solutions.
Don’t let your guard down.
Keep working diligently on your personal economy, and don’t be swayed by good news or dismayed by bad news. Keep your eyes on the prize. Even if giant corporations crumble around you, it doesn’t mean the money vaporizes. It just means it changes hands. And that means it’s still available to you, too.
Focus is the watchword for me this year. I hope you’ll join me.”
Notice how much of what I said in 2013 is even truer now, in 2022? And when I read that part that said money just “changes hands” and that it’s “still available to you,” it made me wonder. Available for how much longer.
So, again, Focus is the key. And I’m talking about focus on eternal things. Because everything you can see, and that means EVERYTHING, is temporary. And if you focus on what you can see, it’s so much easier for the ruler of this world (and his billions of minions) to make you afraid.
That’s why my Happy New Year wish for you, here in 2022, is simple. Fear Not. Be Positive.
Your Creator can help you through it all, if you’re willing.
Stay tuned,
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