You might have heard of the bandwagon effect. Especially in politics. An online dictionary included this information about it: “It is often used in a mildly negative way as a criticism of those who started following such a thing simply because it was popular or only after it had become popular or successful.”
And the bandwagon effect can be very positive, too.
That same online dictionary added this, too: “If you jump on the bandwagon, you join in with the many people who follow, support, or are fans of someone or something popular and/or successful (especially when it is growing in popularity).”
In addition to politics, people “jump on the bandwagon” for popular trends, TV shows, and sports teams.
And some even jump on the bandwagon for entertainment and entertainers.
“Yeah, see honey. I told you he’d get around to talkin’ about himself.”
Well, yeah. But it’s a subject I know more about than anybody else…except God, of course. So, naturally I talk about myself once in a while. Cut me some slack.
But the reason I’m talkin’ about me (sort of) today is to ask you a favor.
If you like the content I share with you…and if you think it has value for others, too…would you share my email signup link with those others? I’m just a small, one-man operation (with some help and lots of support from my one woman, too) over here.
And I’ve now written thousands of articles, produced hundreds of podcast episodes, and shared thousands of emails. And I could sure use your help to get more people to jump on the The FunderFlash.
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They’ll get a couple of books for kids, three songs, and a set of pro life ringtones. And of course, they’ll join an A-list of people who enjoy this #1 source of Rhymes and Reasons about Life and Truth.
Thank you for your help and support!
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