It was a cold day in February. I was “on the road.” And, believe it or not, bad things were going on in the world. Yeah, I know. With all the world peace we enjoy these days, that’s difficult to even imagine.
Thankfully bad things are a thing of the past.
I’m so grateful, that over the past 36 years, especially, human beings have learned to get along. And it’s SO nice to be able to talk about war in the past tense. And we’ve cast aside the days when men raped women and trafficked them as sex slaves. It’s such a relief to not have to talk about parents murdering their own children. And, personally, the stress reduction, of knowing our government is finally, once again, in the hands of people who truly DO want to do what’s right, is immeasurable.
Doesn’t it make you glad to get out of bed knowing you won’t have to listen to the same ol’ TV and radio news stories about middle East tensions? And thank goodness we cleared up that whole southern border fiasco. Wasn’t it great how we stood up for America’s sovereignty and even helped those other countries learn how to use their vast resources more efficiently?
Yeah, I, for one, will not take this new Golden Age of Prosperity for granted.
Because I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that freedom and the free enterprise system is the cornerstone and foundation for a happy, productive populace. It’s so great to see it flourish again. And it’s pure joy to see the streets safe and clean again.
Even better than that is the fact that all those zombie-like people discovered the many benefits of getting off the hallucinogenic drugs. And how they flocked back to work and became active contributors to their own happiness.
But, with all this wonderment, I won’t forget those bad things.
I guess it’s true what they say about remembering where you came from. Because when you remember, you can learn from past mistakes. And you discover you don’t have to perpetuate the problems.
And, as a Rhyme and Reason writer, I appreciate that. Because it’s no fun writing about all the wars, rumors of wars, murders, rapes, sex trafficking, pedophilia, and sexual perversion. NO! I get ZERO pleasure from writing about any of that.
Because all that stuff leads to death, decay, and destruction. And it focuses on the futility of life. And I don’t wanna think of life that way. In fact, I refuse to think of life that way. Because I want hope. I want happiness. And I want to know that these short years on planet Earth are NOT all there will be.
No, there’s no way to have that kind of hope and happiness if you believe the here and now is all there is. So, I always recommend, to anyone who’s willing to listen, discover the love of Jesus. Otherwise, it’s bad things, and…
When It’s Over, It’s Over
Some will take another’s life and never even look back;
No remorse, or pain, or guilt; no thought to what they’ve done.
Some would end another’s life and laugh to watch them die;
Never thinking twice about the senseless thing they’ve done.
Why can’t they see the total finality?
‘Cause when it’s over
You’ll never bring these people back.
When it’s over, you’ll never see their face again.
It’s frustration to me how the killing people just can’t see
That when it’s over…it’s over.
Some would sell another’s life or pay to have them shot;
Thinking only of themselves and the things they treasure most.
But when the curtains finally close and the stories all unfold,
They won’t still be standing tough.
They won’t still be there to boast.
© 1987
Before you go, share this link with everybody you know. Tell ’em to jump on the The FunderFlash AND get some music and other fun stuff, for Fa-Ree.
Stay tuned,
Bad things going on, or are they really all gone? — No Comments
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