You might know some bad renters stories. Or you’ve heard some. Right? I could certainly tell you some that come from my time as a handyman. Yikes! It’s awful how awful people can be to someone else’s property.
Like the bad renters who took a sledgehammer to the toilets and sinks.
Imagine being a landlord who finally gets the bad renters out only to discover that horrible mess. And there are so many more where people (if we can call them that) pounded holes in all the walls, broke out windows and doors, and even left the natural gas on.
Now, that’s a potential bomb threat, when you get right down to it.
That’s all very bad. No doubt about it. But what if you owned an apartment complex and every renter turned out to be one of those kinds? Can you imagine the chaos and destruction you could face?
But let’s crank up the volume to 11 now.
What if you owned all the property on the planet? But every one of your renters turned out to be someone who ignored your rules. Every one of them did whatever they felt like doing, whenever they felt like doing it. Or not. Yeah, history is ripe with men who wanted to own and rule this world. So many who fancied themselves to be king, or emperor, or pharaoh.
And because human beings are naturally selfish, that always led to destruction. And made the world a messy place.
Thankfully, none of those wannabes ever succeeded. And none of them ever will.
It might’ve looked like they conquered the world.
But they owned nothing. And when you consider eternity, time without end, a couple of decades here on earth is barely even a vapor. So since they never held onto the power, they became bad, bitter and destructive renters.
Here’s the thing.
This is God’s world. He thought it up. He designed it. And He created it. He even broke it once. And let the waters of the deep cover about 70% of the Earth’s surface. But He didn’t break it just because He felt like doing that. He broke the planet because He had some bad renters. And some even worse property managers.
But one day, maybe soon, He’ll come back and kick out the bad property managers. And He’ll lay set up rules for the renters, and restore His property. After that, I think He plans to tear it all down and build something new and even more spectacular. And I think I’ll get to see that. Wow.
You’ll get to see it, too. Right? In case you know someone who’s not sure, remind them to be…
In This World (but not of it)
I’m in this world but not of it.
I like this life but don’t love it.
My Savior rises above it.
I’m in this world but not of it.
This world can beat me up.
But this world is not my home.
I have a finer place where
I will forever roam.
This world’s no easy street.
This world is not so nice.
It costs a lot to leave,
But my Father paid the price. (So…Chorus)
This world has lots of love,
But this world is filled with hate.
One day it won’t be so,
And so I can hardly wait.
This world has moans and groans.
This world has aches and pain,
But soon even this shall pass,
Jesus the King will reign.
© 2008
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