August 1 2014
Well, it’s already August 1 2014. Can you believe more than half of this year is in the history books?
Did you know the month of August was named after Augustus Caesar and was lengthened to 31 days by Julius Caesar? And did you know that neither one of those Caesars ever ate a Caesar salad because it wasn’t invented until 1924?
Well…with that information and a smartphone, you can connect to the internet and even make long distance calls. ha!
This morning, I reflected on August 1 2014.
And I wondered what a month would have to be called if it were named after me. Let’s see…using my nickname, Tony, we might have the month of Tonyary. Or Tonus. Or Tonember. Hmm…I think I like the sound of that because my birthday is in December, and we could maim two birds with one whiffle ball with that month. What do you think? Sound good?
Let’s make a rhyme about it…
On August 1 2014
The congress did declare
A new month named Tonember
To people everywhere.
And every person big and small
Began to clap and cheer.
“Oh we can hardly wait,” they said,
Until Tonember’s here.
We’ll gather up the chocolate chips
And cashews and pecans
And bake Tonember cookies
Till they’re delicately bronze.
We’ll visit friends and family.
This year we’ll top the last.
Don’t hesitate to celebrate.
Tonember, please come fast.
Stay tuned,
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