Analog vs Digital
There’s Been This Analog vs Digital Debate For Quite A While
Today I read articles, heard audio, and watched videos about things like a “table pc”, robotics for Lego’s, another car that drives itself, and fitness gadgets galore.
I love this stuff.
Then, I was going through a kitchen drawer looking for a cabinet catch, and I saw a package of Blue Diamond matches that I had forgotten were even there. Now…why would that strike a nerve, you ask. (pun intended) Well, I wrote a song a few years back about a guy who doesn’t like or use digital technology. This guy is the quintessential “Analog Man”. And it just so happens that’s the name of the song, too.
The song references Blue Diamond matches, and that’s why I’m writing this now…to share the words to the song with you. In the world of analog vs digital…where do you stand? My feet are planted firmly on the digital side of the fence. But I’ve spent a great deal of my life utterly basking in the analog. So…I took some word pictures I’d formed in my head over the years of life on the road…and I embellished a bit with some colorful descriptions, and I came up with…
Stay tuned,
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(My regular emails about the essentials of life, AND some music and other good stuff, for Fa-Ree)