About 10 years ago I shared a short “test” to help people wrap their minds around the concept of absolute truth. And it’s so much more than a concept. But take the test. Send me your answers. And I don’t grade “on the curve.” Here are the questions from 10 years ago. And they still apply…
Test your knowledge of absolute truth with these 10 quick questions:
1. Which is a better book to read?
A. The Bible
B. The Purpose Driven Life
2. Which is better to use when discussing matters of life with someone?
A. The truth
B. Awareness of and sensitivity to their feelings
3. Which has more evidence and is easier to prove?
A. That Jesus existed
B. That you exist
4. When a woman becomes pregnant, inside her is…
A. Another human life
B. No one can truly say
5. Who is more likely to be shot and killed?
A. An American citizen in America
B. A soldier in the mid-East
6. Who is more likely to become an unwed mother?
A. A public school girl
B. A homeschool girl
7. Which will always be absolutely wrong…no matter what?
A. Rape
B. Lying
8. “Rights” are something you can…
A. Defend
B. Vote on
9. Even the tiniest single cell is…
A. Irreducibly complex
B. An amazingly unexplainable phenomenon
10. Truth exists because…
A. God exists
B. I say so
Does your worldview make you say something like, “Truth doesn’t exist.”Or “Absolute truth doesn’t exist”? If so, then you need another worldview because your current one refutes itself in about 1 second.
To deny truth is to deny your own existence. Or at the very least, question your own existence. And when you can’t even be sure if YOU exist, then absolutely nothing else you say or do has any meaning or relevance. After all, why would I (or anyone) want to waste time debating issues with someone who might not even exist?
I encourage you to seek truth. Seek wisdom. When you get it, I promise, you absolutely won’t be sorry.
For the Truth is absolute.
And it’s foolish to dispute.
It confounds the wise, but it opens eyes,
And it saves the destitute.
(from my song “The Way”)
Stay tuned,
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