Would you say you’re
abounding in faith with thanksgiving?
If you’re a Christian, you’ve probably been taught that faith in Jesus is essential to attain eternal life. And that’s true. But do you have a faith that appears more like you’re barely clinging to your last shred of hope? Or do you wake up each day abounding in faith with thanksgiving? Are you thankful for every little blessing you have? And do you understand how this world can only give you morsels compared to the cornucopia that’s yet to come? Am I asking too many questions? OK…I’ll get to my point…
When you woke up this morning, you woke up to immediate blessings. Oxygen entered your lungs. Maybe light entered your room and your eyes. Maybe sounds entered your ears. And maybe aromas of coffee or breakfast entered your nostrils. Every single breath, sight, sound, and scent was…and is…a blessing.
Are you thankful and abounding in faith?
Do you have faith in the One who gave you a beating heart, functioning lungs, eyes, and ears? Or do you simply go through your day focused on your problems? Sorry…I’m asking too many questions again. Well, I’d just like to point out that without a Creator, there would be no creation. And there would be no YOU. Nothing to complain about or be thankful for. But you get to exist. You get to know you exist. You get to experience so much in this life. Sights, sounds, feelings, aromas…so many, many things. In fact, so many things it’s easy to take them all for granted. But instead, they should all keep you abounding in faith with thanksgiving.
Never let a day slip by without thanking God for the abundance of wonder you’re blessed to experience. Don’t merely have faith in Jesus. Have abounding faith. Grateful, glorious faith. He IS your life. Apart from Him you are hopeless. Just imagine…He created everything in the universe by speaking words. Yet, with all His sovereign power, He still considers you His friend. Think about that. His friend! He laid down His life for you in order that you could live forever.
So…walk in Him today. Stand tall. Stand strong. If you’re a Christian, you’re more than a conqueror. You’re a mighty, spirit-filled child of God. And no power on earth can ever take you from His love. Now…are you abounding in faith with thanksgiving?
Stay tuned,
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(My regular emails about the essentials of life, AND some music and other good stuff, for Fa-Ree)