Imagine if you could look right through your skin and bones and see a shiny, glowing spirit. And what if you found out that shiny part of you could live forever. Wouldn’t that be cool? Well, you don’t have to imagine. It could be true. In fact, when you trust in Jesus, you can be a whole new person. And that person will live forever in a shiny, glowing body in a shiny, glowing Heaven. That’s a promise from God.
There’s a place in the Bible where it says God created a new person for you to be when you trust in Jesus. That new person will be perfect and will never die. That new person won’t do all the bad things you do now. And that new person will be living with God. Where God lives is called Heaven. And God doesn’t let any bad things in Heaven. He wants and needs everything to be perfect.
A whole new person from what you are.
The good news is you will be perfect one day. You can start becoming perfect the second you trust Jesus. And what does it mean to trust Jesus? It means you believe He came to earth as a man to pay for your sins. He took your punishment. And He finished all the work that needed to be done to make everything right. All you have to do is believe in Him?
If you do you are a whole new person. You and I will be brothers and sisters forever in Heaven. If you’ve already decided to be a child of God, make sure you help someone else know about Him. When you do, would you write me and tell me? And here’s a rhyme to help you remember:
You’re a whole new person when you put your faith in God.
You’re a whole new creation, and it’s true
You were once so blind but Jesus gave you brand new eyes.
Only His love can make your life brand new.
Before you go, jump on The FunderFlash. And join the growing band of believers who enjoy my books, daily rhymes, songs, and videos about the Rhyme and Reason and power of God’s love.
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