If I could guarantee you could lead a quiet and peaceable life by doing one simple thing, would you be interested? I’m not talking about a life where nothing goes on. I just mean a life you could live without fear of someone coming along to impose their will on yours. How about it? Interested?
OK…notice I said “simple”. I didn’t say easy.
The apostle, Paul, wrote a letter to Timothy and said “I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men”. Now, I don’t know about you, but I can think of a huge number of men I can’t see myself giving thanks for. So, do you suppose Paul meant for us to give thanks even for men like murderers, rapists, and thieves?
No. Not at all.
Paul meant men from every walk of life. He mentions “kings and all who are in authority”. So, we’re not to pray for and give thanks for only those good guys we know. We’re supposed to remember men (and women) from every corner and in every position.
Maybe you can understand the words of Jesus a little more clearly when He said “Love your neighbor as yourself”. Same thing.
If you love your neighbor as yourself, you’ll remember that everyone is hurting in some way or another. And everyone needs the saving Grace of Jesus…not just the weak, the poor, and the brokenhearted…because to some degree every person without Jesus is weak, poor, and brokenhearted.
When you see your president be stupid over and over again, it’s a good idea to pray for him. He needs to submit his will to God. Just because you pray for him doesn’t mean he will…but if no one prays for him (and his foolish congress cohorts)…then, he/they may never change. And that will lead the nation further into the abyss from which it may never return.
I certainly prefer a quiet and peaceable life.
I know it will never completely come true until I’m living with the Lord in Heaven. But I can still work on it here…especially since He wants me to.
Maybe you don’t know me well enough to buy something from me, yet. Ok, then get to know more about me and my worldview. Join the growing body of believers who’ve signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And enjoy my daily flashes of light from the power of God’s love.
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