A Peaceable Journey Through Life
In case you haven’t read, heard, or seen any news lately…this world is full of violence and hatred. It seems most people would just as soon murder as to look at you. So…do you think it’s possible anymore to have a peaceable journey through this life?
Notice, I said “peaceable”…not peaceful. Peaceable means being of a mindset to avoid violence and conflict. Peaceful is a state of tranquility. You don’t have control of your community or culture, so if violence rules the day, you can’t magically make it disappear by singing songs, wearing special jewelry, and exuding an air of peace.
But you do have control over your own mindset. And God wants you to avoid violence and conflict with all men. He inspired Paul to write to the Roman Christians and say “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.”
That’s a very interesting way to put it don’t you think? “As much as it depends on you”. In other words…Paul knew (because God knows) that peace isn’t an attainable goal if it isn’t everyone’s goal…and it isn’t. But YOU can have a peaceable mindset. You can determine to live that way with, and among, all men. And even then, peace may not occur. In fact, it probably won’t. All you have to do is discover the life of Jesus. If ever a man walked a peaceable journey through His days, it was Jesus.
But He came up against men filled with bitterness, envy, and religiosity. They were “lovers of self” and tradition…to the point of enormous violence. Violence they inflicted on the person of Jesus…to His death.
Just because you can’t overcome everyone’s tendency toward violence, hatred, and selfishness doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek to walk a peaceable journey through your life. In fact, the opposite is true. You should look for every opportunity to love your neighbor as yourself.
And what you love is what you must give. Don’t worry about getting it in return. Your Father in Heaven sees, and He has a beautiful eternity waiting for you…and eternity where everyone will live peaceably with all men.
Stay tuned…