Today I have a morning story for kids about a morning story for kids. Yep, sometimes when I’m writing for kids, I like to take them to places inside of other places. Something inside something else becomes a third thing. And the third thing is almost always more interesting and fun…like this picture…
Are you with me? Does it sound silly, loopy, wacky, and zany? Good. Then, I’m on the right track. Without further ado, here’s the story…
Aunt Louise read a morning story for kids.
She started out by taking smiling bids.
“Whoever smiles the best,” she’d say,
“Will have their favorite read today.”
And every kid beamed out their smiling bids.
Aunt Louise picked Jacob’s ducky smile.
She said, “You quack me up with your duck style…
So, what would you like read today?
What story’s in your head today?”
And Jacob paused to think for just a while.
“How ’bout the story ’bout those crazy ducks
Who wear hardhats and drive around in trucks?”
Yeah, Jacob likes the silly stuff.
He never seems to get enough.
His favorite book is one called “Ducks Deluxe”.
So Aunt Louise began to read the book,
And “once upon a duck” was all it took
For all the kids to laugh out loud
As much as Aunt Louise allowed…
While Jacob made his dopey ducky look.
Well, Aunt Louise thought it was funny too.
She said, “Hey kids, here’s something we can do.
We’ll have some reading fun today,
And after we are done today,
We’ll go and see the ducks out at the zoo.”
So Aunt Louise began to read again,
And all the kids let all the words sink in.
They knew that they would go and see
The duck and bear and chimpanzee…
And all because of Jacob and his grin.
Stay tuned,
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