A long time ago isn’t worthy to be compared to a long time to come. Unless your future depends on you.
Ok. I should probably explain that. Because, on the surface, it might sound like philosophical silliness. And I certainly don’t wanna sound silly, except for the times I’m being silly on purpose.
Can you imagine the hopeless feeling a person must get when they ponder the extent of endless time apart from a living, loving God? Can you imagine what sort of aching in the heart must exist for the person who believes eternal blackness awaits them? I know, with all my being, that life came from Life. But there are billions of people who believe life arose from non-living matter. Of course, they don’t bother to explain where that matter came from in the first place. So, it’s kinda like matter doesn’t matter.
And, yet, they believe that matter is all that matters. Well, matter and the here and now. And they believe you can only know what you can know with your five senses. But they never explain which of the five senses tells them that.
A long time ago, even as a young boy, I understood this truth.
All life came from Life.
God created us. And He’s made a way for us to live and be with Him through endless time. It doesn’t matter that we can’t truly comprehend endless time. Just trust it’s time without end. No more death and dying. No more broken-down bodies. And no more dark hearts living in a world of darkness.
I’m hope-filled and hopeful. Because I believed this Truth a long time ago. How about you? I hope you have that kind of confidence in your heart, too. Or do you feel helpless and hopeless like the person in this poem?
Forever Is Forever
Silence hanged over the night
Like an English fog over the bay.
The moon was a million silver candles
Shining through a black velvet curtain.
I heard the wind sing through the grass
And a coyote howl on a hill.
“Forever is probably like this,” I thought,
“And if it is, I won’t be around to know it;
So what of it?”
That must be why there are questions.
If they all had answers
That we knew of,
We wouldn’t ask them.
Yes, forever is a night,
But a night passes on
While forever is forever.
Will there always be the foggy silence?
The million silver candles?
The black velvet curtain?
Will there always be the singing wind?
And coyote’s howl?
These things we can only ponder,
And we may ponder…
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